Our First Full Month Of Pre-Field Ministry

As of today, April 25, 2022, our first full month of pre-field ministry has officially come to an end. It has been a long month of adjusting to a "new normal", and there is still much adjusting to do; but we have been presently surprised by the amount of support we have received from family and friends who are just as excited as we are about this new journey we have recently embarked on. It is not surprising, however, that there have been some struggles as well. Among other things, we are often struggling to learn how to balance full-time jobs with a full-time ministry schedule. While we are in the process of trying to decrease our hours in secular work and increase our hours in ministry, our hands are tied until we can figure out our housing situation. We have reached out to a few churches in the area over the past month seeking missionary housing that may be of use to us as we prepare to raise support and leave for the field. But progress has been slow and nothing ha...