Training, Change, and the Blessings of a Home Church
We were able to meet up with a few members of our team at the missionary enrichment conference in Pittsburgh this past week. In the middle are Matt and Barb Douglas, whom Hanna lived and worked with during a portion of her internship back in 2019. July proved to be a month full of challenge and blessing. The challenge came in the form of time, as we are still at the early stages of support raising where it proves necessary for us to continue with our full-time secular work while balancing the ministry. In order to leave for the field, it is necessary for us to pay off a good portion of our outstanding debt, the majority of which was accrued as a result of the multiple surgeries and treatments Hanna has had to have in order to keep her recurring autoimmune disease at bay. This has slowed the support raising process more than we would have hoped, but we are confident that the Lord is continuing to work regardless. And the blessings we have experienced this month alone are proof. We ...