New Missionary Orientation- March 20-26, 2022


It's hard to believe this much-anticipated week has already come to an end.

Two days ago, we stepped off a plane in Detroit, Michigan, and headed home-officially missionaries on pre-field deputation. 

What a crazy reality we now find ourselves in! Balancing full-time jobs, training schedules, and support raising is no joke. It's busy, hectic, and unfamiliar territory, yet somehow we find ourselves completely at peace. 

New Missionary Orientation was unlike anything we had ever experienced. Not only were we officially commissioned to serve the Lord on a foreign field, we were also prayed over and poured into like never before. There was alot of reflection, learning, listening, and acting on our part, but there was also alot of laughter and tears upon the realization that, all our lives- every moment, every experience, every joy, and every sorrow, had been preparing us for this very thing. We may not have seen it then, when things appeared to be falling apart, but now we see that God was simply setting the stage. 

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall see fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Corinthians 13:12, NIV, 2011). 

Now begins the second phase of our missionary journey, and possibly the hardest. Our financial account is set up, our individual development plans are laid out, and we are one phase away from stepping foot on the mission field in Australia. God's work in our ministry, however, does not start once we get overseas. In fact, His intended purpose for our ministry started long before we even began the process of becoming missionaries in the first place. 

In the months ahead, we will visit many churches and speak with many individuals regarding our vision for the ministry in Australia. We will share with them the story of how God led us to this point, and walk with them as we follow His leading into the future. In many ways, we will invest our lives and resources into these people whom we meet along the journey, but they will also invest their lives and resources in us.  

So, as we move on into this new phase of life and ministry, please keep us in your prayers regarding time management, relationship development, and support raising. These will be the main objectives which we will need to focus on as we work toward our goal. 

The road is long, and time is short, but we are confident in God's leading and direction and are excited for the days ahead. 

For, "He who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6, NIV, 2011).


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