The Story God Wrote - The Testimony of Hanna Mae Shields

I’m not going to pretend as if I have the words to justify it. Truth be told, there’s not a single set of words in our finite language that can explain the miracle of what He has done. Yet, here I am, asking Him to give me the strength to do just that. I got saved on a Good Friday when I was twelve years old. Our pastor at the time had chosen to preach on the rapture of the church and how that tied into Jesus’ death on the cross for our reconciliation. He began his message with a video of a large congregation in worship on the day of rapture- half of them suddenly taken, the other half left behind. For those left, there was weeping and there was sorrow at the realization of what had taken place. For them, it was to late. And it was in that moment that I realized the urgency and importance of making myself right with God. That night, I lay in bed tossing and turning. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. My heart was burning for a relationship I never knew I neede...