
Showing posts from October, 2022

A New Beginning: October 2022 Missions Update

  We are exactly twenty days out from our very first international missions trip as a married couple working under ABWE and the excitement has begun to peak. Plans are set (Tentative plans…as things do not always go as we plan them to…), bags are ready to be packed, and schedules have been cleared. In a little less than three weeks, we will, Lord willing, be on a plane to Australia together for the first time. This will be Hanna’s first trip there since the pandemic, and Trenton’s first ever. Expectations are high, and it could not have been scheduled for a better time (The Lord has a way of doing that).  As of the second week of October, our house has been officially been sold and closed on. The new owners seem to love it just as much as we did, and though it was sad to see our first home go, we are confident that the Lord has His hand on the situation in both big and small ways. As of yesterday, we have been fully moved in to our temporary room, and all of our outstanding de...

The Books That Changed My Life (Aside From The Bible)

  It started in my early teens and worsened into adulthood. At the very moment my life was supposed to be beginning, it felt in every way as if it were about to end. I wanted an escape from the pain, and often turned to all the wrong things. But because of the Lord’s great grace, He pulled me from the ashes and gave me a heart to run after Him as I never had before.  I remember those years as I look back. I was not the person I wanted to be, and I knew I needed to change. So I dug through the Scripture, I listened to preaching, and I read every book I could get my hands on. These are just a few of the books, aside from Scripture, that helped bring me back and change me into the person I am today.  1. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand     I came across this book while working at my first job. I worked at a movie theatre and saw the ad for its upcoming movie. I was so moved by it that I bought and read the book in less than a week. All 567 pages of it…As I read t...