We are exactly twenty days out from our very first international missions trip as a married couple working under ABWE and the excitement has begun to peak. Plans are set (Tentative plans…as things do not always go as we plan them to…), bags are ready to be packed, and schedules have been cleared. In a little less than three weeks, we will, Lord willing, be on a plane to Australia together for the first time. This will be Hanna’s first trip there since the pandemic, and Trenton’s first ever. Expectations are high, and it could not have been scheduled for a better time (The Lord has a way of doing that).

As of the second week of October, our house has been officially been sold and closed on. The new owners seem to love it just as much as we did, and though it was sad to see our first home go, we are confident that the Lord has His hand on the situation in both big and small ways. As of yesterday, we have been fully moved in to our temporary room, and all of our outstanding debt aside from Hanna’s college has been paid. Trenton’s last day as general manager at Burger King in Tawas City was this past Saturday, and he is now on a three-day work schedule in order to make more time for his mission training as well as support raising and church visits. Hanna starts her part-time job at footprint solutions on November first, and will also be working two to three days a week.

Aside from the previously explained events of this month, we were also blessed to be able to visit and share our ministry with the people of Hastings Baptist Church on October 9th. This church was the furthest away from our home thus far, as well as the biggest, and we were blessed to stay with a member of their congregation on Saturday night who very generously opened up her home to us for the occasion. We had a wonderful time getting to know both her and her mother over dinner Saturday night as well as during the missions luncheon following the service. If you would like to listen to our presentation from this weekend, you can do so on our YouTube channel at the link below:
https://youtu.be/iLkF87KqjXM Trenton was also blessed to walk with one of his former employee’s for her graduation recognition during the schools final football game this past week. The young girl had lost her father a little over a year ago and wanted him to stand in for the occasion. It was a special night for all involved despite the cold and wind involved, and none of us will soon forget it. Please pray for the Natalie as she graduates and moves on to her career and future. Pray for her mom as well that she would have healing in the wake of the loss of her husband.
In closing, I wanted to thank those who have played a part in helping us work though the events of this past month. To our realtors Lindsey Duby and Joy Beebe. To our friends Billy and Keith Aviles for helping us move and for celebrating Trenton’s birthday with us for the last time in our home. To my parents for doing so much work for us over the past few months and for watching the cats during most of our travels. To Brenda Putman for opening up her home to us over the weekend we were in Hastings. And to Bruce Shields for continuing to give Hanna insight on writing techniques for her upcoming novel.
We never get anywhere alone, and these people are all proof of that! We appreciate you!
This next month will be life-changing. This we are already sure of. So, please keep us in your prayers as we head to the field for the very first time. We will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible via our website and facebook. However, our monthly newsletter will be a little late as we do not return home from Australia until the 1st of December. You can expect the next newsletter around the fifth of that month (and I’m sure it will be a long one!).
We look forward to sharing in the journey with you then. We will see you on the other side of the world!
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