A Change of Plans September 2022 Missions Update
The month of September did not go as planned for us. While we had many appointments, meetings, and prior obligations, many of them were abruptly cancelled due to illness. Shortly following our fundraiser/moving sale the beginning of the month, Hanna found out that she will need to have all four of her wisdom teeth surgically removed. It was scheduled three times this month, but each time, issues with insurance prevented it from happening. While we still do not have a specific date for this procedure, the Lord is working on our behalf to provide the funds necessary in the near future. All praise to God, we received a full offer on the house and will be closing on it October 6th. The extra funds we receive from that will more than pay off our outstanding debt and the surgery she needs. We will then be moving out of the home officially the beginning of November, only one week before our departure date for Australia.
 Toward the middle of the month, we were scheduled for a mission conference at Beaverton Baptist Church. We had been planning to attend since the middle of April and were thoroughly prepared for it. However, two days before the conference date, we both came down with a fever. After months of working full time while balancing what we could do of the ministry, the illness hit us hard. It took us two weeks to recover fully in which time we were able to get almost nothing accomplished. This week is our first full week back on a normal routine. During our time in recovery, we had many discussions about our future plans for pre-field. And, after much prayer, we have decided to focus on the churches in our current network the remaining months of the year and start fresh with full-time pre-field the beginning of next year once the move, survey trip, secular jobs, and surgery have come to a close. It was a hard decision, but we feel it is for the best in regards to our current situation and have high hopes for what next year will look like in regards to the ministry.
While being sick is never fun, the cats thoroughly enjoyed having us home for a bit at least!
In the meantime, we do have one church visit set up for the 9th of October in Hastings, Michigan which we plan to attend and two online classes to finish. November 15th through 30th will be our long-awaited honeymoon/survey trip, and December we are hoping to spend some much needed time re-connecting with the churches in our current network as well as spend time with our families over the holidays. The last few months of this year will definitely be a lot, but we feel that the change is needed, not only for our physical health, but also for our metal and spiritual health as well. We are learning every day the importance of a work-life balance and how necessary it is to the health and well-being of any individual. And while the circumstances surrounding this month did not work out the way we prayed they would, we are fully aware that the Lord ordained for it to happen the way it did for our growth in this respect. For more insight on this, feel free to read the blog below which Hanna wrote this past week in response to the situation.
You can also check out Hanna’s story in the Colorado Christian University Magazine this week!
Following are a few things we ask you to pray for over the next few months: 1.For Hanna’s surgery to be rescheduled and completed in a timely manner. She has been in a lot of pain and is looking forward to getting it done and over with. 2. For the house/moving situation. Pray for peace as we say goodbye to our first home . 3. For our upcoming survey trip on the 15th of November. Pray for safety in travel and clarity in God’s leading during events of the trip. 4. For our regional director’s wife. She has had some rather severe health issues this month and needs prayer for peace and healing. Specific Dates to Pray For:
- October 6th at 4pm will be the closing of our house.
- October 9th we will be sharing our ministry with Hastings Baptist Church.
- November 5th will be our move-out date.
- November 15th-30th are the dates for our survey trip to Australia
As always, we thank you for the prayer and for choosing to be a part of God’s work through the ministry. It is truly a joy to share in the journey with you and we look forward to doing so for many years to come. |
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